Dear Caribe Resort Owners,


For those that were unable to attend the Annual Homeowners Meeting, the proposed 2024 budget was approved including the assessment for all unit owners, primarily due to the 2024 insurance policy. Your unit’s individual assessment amount is based on the square footage of the interior of your unit. All owners were sent an invoice from our accounting department on Wednesday, March 20th 2024 with the invoiced assessment amount and these assessments were due on April 23rd, 2024.

A late fee will be imposed on unit owners that have not paid this assessment and this amount will be determined by the COA board of directors.

Parking Garage Repairs

We have identified portions of corrosion on the rebar that is inside a column in the C & D parking garage. This corrosion causes expansion and spalling of the concrete.  The source of water causing the damage has been partially identified. With the oversight by a structural engineer, repairs to this column have been started.

Until this area is reinforced, the lower tier of the upper deck pool will remain closed in addition to the closure of partial areas in the C & D parking garage. We are taking an overly cautious approach to these repairs as directed by the engineer.

B Building Water Pressure

Temporary repairs have been made to the booster system in B Building until the new system arrives and the water pressure should be normal until the installation of this new system occurs. The new triplex domestic booster system is currently in production and we anticipate the arrival of the new system in the coming months.

New Owner Car Decals & Owner’s Gate Automated System

We have newly redesigned the owner decals and each owner has been mailed four of these for their vehicles. We request that you remove the current decal and replace it with this new one. Any additional decals needed can be picked up at no additional cost from the sales office located in the B Building between 9am 5pm, open Monday through Friday.


Owner RFID decals for the new gate system are still being distributed and these decals can be picked up in our sales office located in the B Building. Each unit will receive two chipped decals and any additional decals needed will be available for purchase in the sales office at $25 per additional decal. These can be purchased by the deeded owner via cash or check, made out to the Caribe Owners Association.  

These decals will help to expedite your entry onto property and provide a quicker identification by our security team.

As a reminder, the owners gate is an automated system. Absolutely no piggybacking is allowed and any vehicles that cause damage to the gate will be billed accordingly.

Projects in Progress:

  • The splash pad located on the upper deck mini golf area is currently closed for repairs.

As a reminder our Annual Homeowners Association meeting will be held March 15th, 2025.