2 05, 2022

May Property Update


Dear Caribe Resort Owners, We are very excited to announce that we have extended our Owner Relations team! Andrea Soars is joining our current representatives to complete our owner team. Andrea started working with our front desk team in 2020 and is excited to build a more personal relationship with our owners. Andrea along [...]

May Property Update2022-05-02T16:01:44+00:00
6 04, 2022

Private Cleaning


Dear Caribe Resort Owners, Due to short staffing across the entire island & particularly our housekeeping department, we have placed a temporary hold on scheduling private cleans for non-renting owners. We hope to resume this service shortly, but we cannot successfully perform our duties and private cleans with our minimal staff. Thank you for understanding, [...]

Private Cleaning2022-04-06T19:25:42+00:00
17 03, 2022

Exterior Paint Project


We are excited to announce the buildings’ exterior painting project is now underway. The labor crew will arrive on property Monday, March 21st to begin with B Building. Phase 1 of this COA project includes patching and painting the balcony walls, ceilings, and floors (where applicable) . Phase 2 will include painting of all [...]

Exterior Paint Project2022-03-17T21:47:47+00:00
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