Dear Caribe Resort Owners,

Dog Policy Reminder

We wanted to update you with a friendly reminder about our pet policy. Repeated violations of any of these policies may result in privileges being permanently revoked. Dog registration takes place in the sales office Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Please call the sales office at 251-980-9040 if you are coming outside of this time. To register, the deeded owner will need to be present with the dog, along with a copy of their current vaccination records. A photo will be taken of the dog for verification purposes. The deeded owner will also be required to sign a leash policy form and purchase their leash for $25 by cash or check made out to Caribe Owners Association. Dog registration is exclusive to the deeded owner only.

  • Every dog on file must have a current record of their rabies vaccination on file. If you have not given us one in the last year, please email [email protected] to update your file.
  • Dogs are only permitted to be walked on the south side of the buildings. Please do not bring dogs into the pool areas, fitness centers, building atriums or on the bay walk/north side of the building.
  • Dogs must be on a leash with the green lanyard visible at all times.
  • Please pick up all dog waste. Bags & wastebaskets are available on the parking level loading docks of each building.
  • Any damages caused by a pet will be billed directly to the owner’s statement.
  • Cats are prohibited on the property.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Parking Garage Repairs

Temporary shoring is in place for the upper and lower parking garage sections of C & D and this will stay in place for the remainder of the summer.

The lowest tier pool on the upper lazy river deck is currently being refilled and will be open for use by this upcoming weekend. Barricades in the parking garage have been adjusted and all numbered parking spaces have been reopened. There are a select number of unmarked spots that will remain closed.

Permanent repairs will be made to these sections of the garage and we will temporarily reclose these areas for this work following the summer season.

B Building Water Pressure

Temporary repairs have been made to the booster system in B Building until the new system arrives and the water pressure should be normal until the installation of this new system occurs. The new triplex domestic booster system is currently in production and we anticipate the arrival of the new system in the coming weeks.

Cabana Rentals

The cabanas and tiki bar on the lazy river deck have been a hit! If you have not had the opportunity to book a cabana rental, you’re able to book a cabana on and these are available to rent until October 31st, 2024. We will close them for the winter season and reopen them Spring of 2025. Book yours today!

Changes to Real Estate Operations

On August 17th, two big changes will go into effect: Real-estate agents associated with the National Association of Realtors will have buyers sign contracts before they show them any houses, condos or property. In addition, the Multiple Listing Service, where agents list homes that are on the market, will no longer be able to display the commission a buyer’s agent will get if they sell a house.  Along with the agent contracts, the other change is that agents are responsible to negotiate commission with their buyers.  Until the new process is ironed out, buyers still can request funds from sellers to compensate buyer’s agents, and many will do so in their offers. Then sellers and buyers can negotiate both this compensation along with the sale price of the property.  Honest, competent agents will facilitate this negotiation. Please note this is a settlement with a class action lawsuit with the National Association of Realtors.

Owner Car Decals & Owner’s Gate Automated System

We have newly redesigned the owner decals and each owner has been mailed four of these for their vehicles. We request that you remove the current decal and replace it with this new one. Any additional decals needed can be picked up at no additional cost from the sales office located in the B Building between 9am to 5pm, open Monday through Friday.

Owner RFID decals for the new gate system are still being distributed and these decals can be picked up in our sales office located in the B Building. Each unit will receive two chipped decals and any additional decals needed will be available for purchase in the sales office at $25 per additional decal. These can be purchased by the deeded owner via cash or check, made out to the Caribe Owners Association.

These decals will help to expedite your entry onto property and provide a quicker identification by our security team.

As a reminder, the owners gate is an automated system. Absolutely no piggybacking is allowed and any vehicles that cause damage to the gate will be billed accordingly.

As a reminder our Annual Homeowners Association meeting will be held March 15th, 2025.

Thank you,

Caleb Glover

B & C Tower


Hayli Parnell

D Tower
