Dear Caribe Resort Owners,
                       Notice of B Pool Closure
Today the re-plastering of the indoor B building pool begins. The B indoor pool will be closed until November 9th. In addition to the re-plastering of the indoor pool, the B indoor pool will be receiving a new handicap chair lift arriving on November 9th. Installation will begin shortly after arrival.  C & D indoor pools will remain open for use during this time period. Upon the completion of the indoor pool crews will move to the B outdoor pool at the start of December for plaster and tile mosaic repairs.
                        D Parking Garage Notice
Over the next two weeks routine maintenance of the D parking garage will be taking place. This routine maintenance will be taking place on the upper and lower levels. You will receive a notice if your car needs to be relocated at any point during this time period
Please be sure to put February 18, 2023 on your calendar for the annual homeowner’s association meeting. The meeting will be held in the D100 space that Saturday. If you are interested in running for the board, please notify your owner relations representative. Andrea Soars ( B Tower, Jill Alford ( C Tower, and Hayli Parnell ( D Tower.
Thank you,